
The Infinite Advantage You Have over Satan

In autumn of 1862, Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee issued Special Order No. 191.

A fortuitous stroll lead Union, Sergeant John Bloss and Corporal Barton W. Mitchell to find a copy of that order wrapped around three cigars. The paper was addressed to Confederate General D.H. Hill.

The order explained the army’s planned movements for the current campaign. They shot it up the chain of command to General George McClellan.

When he read the playbook it he said, “Now I know what to do.

…given here is a paper in which if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing to go home.”

What would you give to have the enemy’s plan for your life? To see, “ah, this is what he’s up to in my life. This is what he’s up to in my relationships. This is what he’s up to in my neighborhood or church.”

What would you do to be able to observe his War Room. To go behind the scenes and observe the devil’s Battle Plan?

Well the truth is, you already have access to his general strategy.

What if You Knew The Enemy’s Plan For Your Life in Advance?

How Lucifer Fell out of Communion With God (And the Only Way YOU Can Fall)

When God created mankind, the devil got jealous. Just look at how self-absorbed his monologue in Isaiah 14 is. Here’s an excerpt.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart,”

“I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

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Satan was after power, position and authority. He was jealous of God’s position. Jealous that he was not a part of the creation plan with Michael. That was the beginning of his demise.

Lucifer fell because he started competing with God. He viewed himself higher than Michael.

But that wasn’t the end of his transgression. He had a dark plan to take everyone down with him.

Like a corrupt merchant, Satan peddled lies. Colorful, storacle, dramatic deceits.  

Satan’s Superpower: Bearing False Light

Lucifer means light bearer. A light bearer shines.

Satan was to shine light. He was to reflect the glory of of God.

But when he fell, Lucifer presented God in a false light causing his peers to think, “Oh that’s interesting. I never noticed that about Michael before.”

Lucifer had put the purposes of God in a false light to excite dissent and dissatisfaction while he claimed to be perfectly loyal to God, he urged that changes were necessary for the stability of the divine government while secretly stirring up conflict and rebellion. He made it appear that his only purpose was to promote loyalty and to preserve harmony and peace.

They started to see God through a particular filter. They only saw the picture of God that Lucifer painted for them.

Doesn’t this happen in our lives today? Doesn’t he try to paint our wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, aunths, uncles, mothers, fathers and friends in a poor light?

Doesn’t he exaggerate the evil and diminish the good?

Satan paints our neighbors and friends in a bad light. He paints God in a bad light. He puts those filters over our eyes then sits back and laughs as we fall into jealousy, backbiting and bickering.

Watch the sermon and notice how this is his modus operandi. He even moved the Jews to levy 40 counts against the innocent Savior.

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